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Ben Eisdorfer

How ARAMIS stacks up against Displacement Sensors

Optical metrology analyzes the mechanical properties and behavior of all kinds of materials in...

How ARAMIS stacks up against strain gauges

Strain gauges (or gages) have long been the tool of choice for engineers to measure local strains...

ARAMIS Thermography Applications

These Digital Image Correlation applications are starting to heat up🔥! Watch how ARAMIS...

Hockey Stick Analysis

Since the NHL Playoffs are in full swing tonight, and I am a huge fan of the sport, I thought I...

Ultra-high speed phone screen crack!

A phone screen cracks at ultra-high speeds, which can make it very difficult to get accurate strain...

Trilion’s Story and How We Play a Role in the Aerospace Industry

Join our president John Tyson as he discusses Trilion’s story and how ourDigital Image...